General Information for Use and Safety

acurata instruments are intended for the dental medical field and must only be used by dentists or respective experts who, due their training and experience, are familiar with the use of the products. The instruments are supplied non-sterile and have to be prepared prior to first use.


Information for use for dental rotary instruments

Use only technical and hygienic correct drives with a stable ball bearing! Carefully clamp the instruments as deep as possible and assure that the desired speed is reached prior to usage. Please note the maximum allowed engine speed as stated on the packaging label. Avoid levering or canting, otherwise there is risk of fracture. Pay attention that there is sufficient cooling (50 ml/min) otherwise there is risk of thermal dama-ge. FG-instruments with a total length > 19 mm and instruments with a diameter of the work element > 2 mm (ISO 020) need extra cooling. Separate blunt, twisted or damaged instruments immediately and do not use them again. Improper usage increases risk, higher wear and inferior work results!

Contact pressures:
The contact pressures should be light, do not exceed the maximum of 2N. Excessive contact pressures can cause damage to the instruments. In extreme cases the instrument can fracture! At the same time a higher heat development is generated. Overheating may harm the dental pulp, instruments wear faster and surfaces get coarser.

Polishers and instruments with long working part and respectively long, slender necks (e.g. instruments for micro preparation) or for specific application areas (e.g. crown separator, long chirurgical cut-ter): exceeding the maximum allowed speeds can cause oscillations (vibrating) or displacement (whippings). This can result in fracture or heavy damage. Non observance causes an increased security risk! Therefo-re pay attention to the maximum speed printed on the packaging labels · The respective maximum speed is a theoretical value given on the basis of the geometry of the instruments. The choice of the working speed is determined by the material subsequently to be used, the specific indication, the type of handpiece used and the contact pressures and is at user’s discretion.

Maximum speeds – table of reference values

FG instruments (ISO 314) ISO Ø:
005 – 016 max. 450.000 min-1 • 018 – 021 max. 300.000 min-1 • 023 – 031 max. 160.000 min-1 • 033 – 055 max. 120.000 min-1

HP and RA instruments (ISO 104 / 204) ISO Ø:
003 – 023 max. 50.000 min-1 • 025 – 040 max. 40.000 min-1 • 045 – 060 max. 30.000 min-1 • 060 – 070 max. 25.000 min-1 • 070 – 250 max. 25.000 min-1 • 300 – 380 max. 20.000 min-1 • 450 max. 15.000 min-1

Polishing instruments all ISO Ø:
max. 5.000 –10.000 min-1

The information on the label on the packaging applies. Optimum speeds for all instruments depend on the material to be processed. As a general rule 40 – 50% of the maximum instruction is recommended!

Recommendations for use for root canal instruments

K-Reamer: push and rotary motion clockwise up to max. 90°. K-File: filing motion clockwise up to max. 45°, Hedstroem: push and pull (with or without rotary) motion up to max. 90°, Usage in ascending order of si-ze (do not skip any size), High flexible Nickel-Titanium instruments are especially for heavy curved root canals. The file has not to be bent before use, Protect the instruments against aspiration (rubber dam – safe-ty chain – safety cord), Silicone stoppers have to be removed prior to reprocessing root canal instruments, Clean the instruments properly before sterilization, Sterilization in autoclave may corrode steel instruments, Do not use bent or damaged instruments.

Cleaning, disinfection, sterilization and storage of medical products – refer to our Recommended Hygiene Procedures, also available on our website: